The (Not So) Fun Part about Moving – A letter to my Friends & Family

Hey Ya’ll. It’s that time of year again. Fall brings with it a change in weather, the kids all go back to school and for the last few years September brings with it another move for me. Last year I bought an RV we lovingly call The Gypsy Love Bus and moved it to Anacortes, WA to be my home! The year before that I moved from Stanwood to Des Moines, WA to move in with my guy and the year before that I was going through all the transitions that divorce brings.

This year is nothing new. In just a few days – 10 to be exact, I will be moving out of the Bus and into our pickup truck for a journey across the U.S. and over to Europe. I know, It’s sounds exciting doesn’t it? Everyone I tell gets all envious and glows excitedly over my plans. And I AM excited too but It’s not all rainbows and butterflies. Moving and leaving a place and people that I love is difficult. I know it’s the right thing and I know I’m ready but it’s still not fun to leave all your friends and family and go somewhere new.

You think I’d be used to it by now. I was taught early to live a nomadic lifestyle. I attended 10 different schools K-12 and moved sometimes 3 times in one year. Moving that much taught me all kinds of great things. It taught me to value the present moment. It taught me to make friends quickly and to also let go quickly.

So as I prepare to launch on this new and exciting chapter in my life I do so with great Love for all of my friends and family here in the pacific northwest. I’m going to miss you greatly. I’m going to imagine that you are all riding along with me on this next journey, cheering me on and encouraging me to be Brave!

Much Love, Dawn


Yoga Gypsy Travel Musts!

As a person who loves to travel, I am constantly refining what I bring, how I pack and what gear works best for me. And as we all know, it’s easier to travel as lightly as possible. In the last 12 months I have been to Italy, Belize and Thailand. So here are my tips for what to bring when you travel.

Only a Backpack. You don’t need anything bigger. It should be able to hold a weeks worth of clothes, your toiletry kit and any emergency gear you may need. I currently use a 26 Liter Marmot bag. I love this bag because of the way it zips. If you lay this bag down you can zip it all the way open from top to bottom just like a suitcase. My old backpack only opened at the top and I had to dig all the way to the bottom to reach things – no bueno. My Marmot also has 3 external expandable storage compartments and one zipper compartment. Inside there is also a laptop compartment and another zipper compartment.

Although this bag has gone with me to Italy, Belize and Thailand I do wish it was just a little bit bigger. Maybe about 36 Liters. But then, I am a girl and I do have trouble limiting my clothing choices sometimes! It’s a work in progress people!

My Favorite Yoga Mat. I love my Manduka Yoga Mat. I have had this mat for about 4 yeas now and it has no signs of wear at all. It has just the right amount of cushion and rolls up perfectly to fit in the storage straps on the side of my backpack! I know it’s extra weight to bring a yoga mat with you but I find that it’s worth it. I can roll my mat out in my hotel room, in a park or where ever I may be. It’s like bringing a little piece of home with me AND it reminds me to practice.

A Well Stocked Toiletries Bag. When I travel I want to make sure that I have everything I need. Of course, sometimes you will stay with friends and they have soap and shampoo but it’s always a good idea to bring your own just in case. You never know when you or a fellow traveler might need a band-aid, or a bit of lotion. Of course bring the basics: deodorant, shampoo, a razor etc….but remember to keep the bag small because it’s going to take up room in your backpack. Keep makeup to a minimum.

Good Walking Shoes. I really learned my lesson here. when I went to Italy I wanted to have “cute” shoes. So right before I left on my trip I went out and bought a pair of black slip-on walking shoes. They were a famous brand known to all sports lovers so I thought I would good. About two days into the trip the shoes started cutting into my heels and made walking miserable! So my advice is to forget cute shoes – go for COMFORT! Especially if you are going to be touring and walking a lot! No one is going to remember your shoes but you will sure remember if your feet were killing you the whole time!

Versatile Clothing. The more function clothing has the better. I bring pants that can roll up into Capri length. Shirts that can be layered, Swimming shorts that can be worn for hiking etc. Consider fabrics as well. Denim jeans takes forever to dry if you are hand washing your own things. Opt for easy lightweight layers and a fleece jacket for warmth. Pay attention to the customs in the area you will be traveling. Shorts and tank tops are not acceptable in many places of worship so be sure to bring something modest (covering your shoulders and knees). Women may also need to bring a scarf to cover their head.

A Good Attitude. As a women who has travelled alone I find that a good attitude and a smile are great things to bring with you. Most people are friendly and want to help. A smile goes a long way. Learning a bit of the language is helpful also. On my recent trip to Italy I spent the day alone in Florence and wanted to get my hair cut. I went into a salon and was treated with great respect. The hair dresser spoke little English and I spoke very little Italian but I got the best cut and style I’ve ever had. In fact, when our tour leader saw me my hair was the first thing she noticed! She said even Italian women have a hard time getting what they wanted at the salon. I told her I just trusted him to take good care of me. It’s one of my favorite memories of Italy! Be kind, smile and ask for help, ask questions, be brave – you can do it!

That’s it for now. Up next will be a quick tutorial about what I actually pack in my backpack. Until then remember to Live Simply, Breathe Deeply & Travel Lightly!


This is Italy – those awful shoes!


What Does Freedom Mean to You?

It’s that time of year again! Everyone is getting ready for the big party on the 4th! Stocking up on ice and beer, planning a BBQ and time with friends and don’t forget the fireworks! Celebrating freedom is big in America!

Freedom comes in many shapes and sizes. Teenagers relish the freedom that driving a car brings. For stay-at-home moms freedom is 15 minutes alone in the bathroom without a small child banging on the door! For people who sail, it’s pulling up anchor and heading wherever the wind takes you!


For me freedom means travel. In only 8 weeks my guy and I head off on a journey across the United States! We will be free to drive, camp and sail wherever we choose! I visualize us waving our hands out the windows cheering, “We’re FREE!!!!” as we drive down the interstate with Bruce Springsteen blaring on the speakers, and huge grins glued to our faces!


In addition to the freedom that our truck, tent and trimaran will provide over the course of the next few months, there is another level of freedom that I strive for.  Freedom that can only come from within. As a yogi I practice Aparigraha (freedom from attachments).

Freedom from attachment means freedom from things. I like having fewer possessions because that means less work for me! It also makes it easier for me to travel! No plants to water! No house/pet sitter. The Yoga Sutras explain that “Excessive attachment is based on the assumption that it (the possession) will contribute to everlasting happiness.” ( YS 2.7) So instead of buying stuff I prefer to have experiences.  It’s experience that makes life rich.

It’s not always easy though. I like to buy books, new clothes and shoes – oh how I like shoes. But I’m trying to have less so I go to the library or borrow books from a friend so I can return them. I try to be happy with the clothes I have. I’ve even been downsizing to prepare for our trip! It’s amazing how few clothes I actually wear during the course of a week! And when I’m tempted to buy shoes I try to remind myself what I already have. Although I did still buy those Doc Martins last year. I said I was practicing after all!

So as we celebrate on the 4th of July,  in addition to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness I wish for you freedom to look around you and see how much stuff you have collected. Freedom to decide if all that stuff makes you happy or not? And the ability to look within and ask yourself, “What does freedom really mean to me?”

I also invite you to connect with us on here on this blog or also on Facebook  at the Trimaran Journal or Yoga Gypsies as we make our journey across the US. It’s going to be an awesome adventure and we’d love to share it with you!

I wish you all a happy and safe holiday and I hope that you will always Live Simply, Breathe Deeply and Travel Lightly!


Pack for an Adventure!

If you were told that you would be leaving on a 6 to 9 month adventure what would you take with you and what would you leave behind?

In 14 weeks we launch! We are headed on a cross country vagabond with a truck and boat to sail lakes, the Sea of Cortez, off the coast of California and hopefully to the Bahamas! It’s going to be an awesome road trip BUT – and this is big….we will be living out of our truck so I really have to travel lightly!

Exactly how lightly you ask? Well, my goal was to get all of my clothes into one tote. Clothes only, this does not include shoes, hats, coats, jewelry, yoga gear or toiletries. Here’s where I am so far…


I have one fully packed tote with everything I think I will need for a 6 to 9 month jaunt across the country. Plus I’m going to need one more tote for shoes, accessories and such.

My boyfriend suggested that we “practice pack” for our big journey two weeks ago and I thought he was crazy! I don’t need to practice pack! I’ve been traveling with only a backpack for the better part of the last year. But then I realized those trips were short – 10 days to two weeks. This is going to be a much longer journey!

I was worried about how I would pare down my closet. I thought I only had the necessities already. But when I set up to do it, I found the decision making process easier than I thought it would be. I went through my closet and only pulled out the things I absolutely love, that fit me correctly and I couldn’t live without. Only my favorites. And I tried to do it very quickly. I found that if I started to hesitate over an item that meant it was not an absolute yes and I put it back in the drawer.

I put all of the “leave behinds” in the lower drawers and put the stuff I’m taking back into the top of my wardrobe. The goal is to only use these clothes for the next 14 weeks to see if I’m missing anything or if I have things planned to take with me that I don’t actually need and can leave behind. It’s only been two weeks and I think I already have about 4 more items I can leave behind!


It’s amazing how much stuff we have that we don’t really need! I downsized when I moved out of our house into The Gypsy Love Bus – and now I’m downsizing again! I know many people who are comfortable to travel living out of just a backpack and I bow low with “I’m not worthy!” ringing in my head. Maybe someday I’ll get there but not quite yet.

Just remember stuff does not define you.  Experiences enrich your soul – leave the stuff behind and go have a life!

Live Simply, Breathe Deeply, Travel Lightly!

September Launch!

That’s it! I’ve had enough! (Big Sigh) This weather is just killing me! I’m so tired of being cold and wet all the time! I guess I’m getting older – you know like those people we call “snow birds” who live in the south during the winter and move back north during the summer. I don’t know about you but this idea sounds FABULOUS to me!

Actually this idea has been in the works for awhile. We started talking about going on a big road trip – even called it “The Great Escape” on occasion.  At the end of August we plan to pack up our gear and head off across the United States to sail, visit sights unseen and generally vagabond around the country. The goal is to eventually get to somewhere warm and sunny!


First, let me just give you a quick note about our “Plan.” You see, I am a planner. I love a budget, an outline, a schedule, a timetable, lists and itineraries……my boyfriend – NOT so much. In fact if I even say the word “Plan” he shakes his head and chuckles. He likes to “play it by ear,” leave room for inspiration and whim. Which is really good for me! It gets me out of my comfort zone. We’ve had some great adventures and always have fun together. I just wanted you to know that this “Plan” may change at any time, without provocation, due to weather, finances, caprice or mood!

Right now the idea is to head sound from Anacortes to Lake Tahoe. Then stop over in Los Angeles on our say to San Carlos, Mexico where we’d like to stay for little while. Next on the list is Lake Powell in Utah and a stroll along the gulf coast states to sail and visit friends and family. Finally heading over to Georgia and down to Florida for the big jump over to the Bahamas!


We leave Anacortes in September and want to be in Florida by the end of February – that’s 6 months on the road. Ending up in Florida in March so that we can avoid Hurricane season and make it over to the Bahamas for a few months. After that we have no plan – no idea even of what we will be doing. No jobs waiting for us and no idea of where we want to live. (Warm, sunny, beachy are on the list)

When we take this trip we will be leaving The Gypsy Love Bus – our 38 foot long RV along with my VW Beetle in Storage in Anacortes until we are ready to return. As our motto is “Life Simply, Breathe Deeply, Travel Lightly” – We decided that a truck loaded with camping gear, bicycles and paddle boards, pulling a boat on a trailer, followed by an RV pulling a Beetle was not really “traveling lightly!”

So, there ya’ go. For those of you who’ve been asking me, that’s the “Plan” as of today. Who knows, it might change tomorrow! I really like the idea of snowbirding. I love the idea of seeing the country and sailing our boat but most of all I love my guy and I want him to be happy. He wants to go sailing and I’m his first mate & crew!

Please take a moment and check out this link. It is Barry’s version of the “Plan.” He’s much more poetic than I am!

Belize & The Island of Lost Boys

As I sit in my RV, swaddled by my electric blanket, sipping a cup of hot tea, I can hardly believe that I am already home from my trip to Glover’s Reef in Belize. It seems like a dream – a glorious, warm, fun, playful dream. I’ve only been back for a day and I’m already cold. It’s not easy to go from 85 degrees to 54 today! I’m also not fully home yet. My body is here but my brain is still tingling with all of the wonderful sights, sounds, tastes and sensations that I experienced over the last two weeks. It’s difficult to come back to “real” life after you’ve been somewhere as wonderful as Glover’s Reef.


Glover’s Reef  is located 36 miles off the coast of Belize out from Dangriga.  It’s everything you would imagine: beautiful white sandy beaches, azure water, palm trees, delicate breezes and amazing fish and corals. Hammocks slung between coconut trees, time slows down, happy hour at 5 o’clock every night and meals full of fresh fruit, fish, fry jacks and rice and beans. People smile in greeting and are happy to see you.


Even though it is beautiful, the first week on Glover’s was difficult for me. Because the island is remote there is no wifi there. I had a hard time not being able to text my boyfriend for reassurance or just to tell him about my day. Eventually I realized I needed to let go of my frustration and just be. BE present – DUH – it’s what I teach in my yoga classes all the time! BE present, be in the moment – you’re on a beautiful island out in the Caribbean Ocean – take it IN – feel it, taste it, smell it! Stop worrying about “back home” and be right here, right now OR YOU”RE GOING TO MISS IT!!!!! There’s nothing like that moment when the teacher becomes the student! So I settled in and began really seeing the Island around me.

Just about that time the lost boys showed up and the Island began to hum and come to life in a new way with the energy they brought with them  The lost boys – as I call them – are a fun-loving group of guides who live their lives in real time. There is no pretense with them. They are there to live in the outdoors, play in the water, take you snorkeling, kayaking, sailing and fishing and ignite your love for adventure and exploration!

Spencer is the wild haired young gymnast from Vancouver B.C. who can pop into a handstand with seemingly no effort. He scampers along the slack line, turns around 180 degrees and comes right back. He has boundless energy and loves to engage the clients in conversation. I was amazed by his endless patience. I Imagine him as peter pan, hands on hips, crowing to the moon.


Cappy (short for Capistrano) is the proud Mayan native who loves his country, his land, his heritage and the ocean. He is a fearless slayer of lionfish – an invasive species in Belize, an incredible diver, a powerful leader and a man with a definite plan for his future! He leads trips all over his country and is a force to be reckoned with.

Jason comes from the Garifuna people of Belize and he is the bright shiny one of the group. Jason is constantly happy, smiling, has something nice to say and wants everyone to have a good time. You can hear his laughter all the way across the camp and the sound makes your heart sing! Just seeing him come down the way with his dark chocolate skin, bright white smile and bouncy dreads lets you know it’s going to be a good day!

Jaime is a little older than the others but not by much. Jaime lives and breathes nature. He is the essence of outdoor guru. He can lead you via kayak down a river, set up a tent camp, cook you dinner and probably even tell you all of the constellations overhead. As a fellow yoga practitioner he can also show you a righteous Ashtanga flow! His New Zealand accent and bawdy humor add to his charm.

Kelly is the resident fly fisherman. Kelly has his blonde curly hair corn rowed by a girl from the neighboring resort and brings with him the ever present sounds of Reggae music. He embodies the calm and patience of walking along the Atoll waist deep in water with the rhythmic pull and cast of fly fishing just for the heck of it – no hurry just be, breathe, cast, wait, feel the tug, reel them in then let them go again. He moves his hammock each night to the best location so he can sleep in a light breeze.

And then there is Mr. B. Bernaldo is the camp manager. He is kind, welcoming, always patient with everyone and this Island and Atoll are his home. He has been there for 9 years now and he loves to show us his world. He invites us in to see the beauty of the corals, fish, ocean, island and country. He is full of knowledge and does anything that needs doing. He leads snorkels, answers questions on the phone, drives the boat to neighboring islands to pick up ice and gasoline, welcomes all the guests and even makes the beds after everyone leaves. He is everywhere, does everything and makes this place feel like home for all who visit. He even let me plant my own coconut tree!


The thing is – these guys aren’t really “lost” boys. They know exactly who they are and what they are doing. They are living their lives fully connected to reality. They know who they are and they shine their light for all to see! They are wild and free and glorious to watch and I want to be just like them!

And then there are the guests.  Unfortunately some of the guests bring all of their drama with them. Some of them fight with their partners and make the trip more gloomy. And luckily some of them are real and present and become people that you want as your friend! It’s really up to them. They can make their experience fraught with tension or they can plug in to the energy of the island and make it a glorious experience – something new, something deep and meaningful.


I know that my experience at Glover’s was meaningful for me. I went there to teach yoga in exchange for room and board and I came away with so much more than I bargained for. I learned that I have a family there and that I am welcome to come back. I learned that letting go of discomfort allows for growth. I learned that my childhood (moving all the time) prepared me for this yoga gypsy lifestyle and I learned that being prepared still does not make leaving easier. It’s hard to become attached to people and a place and then have to leave – even for a traveler, gypsy, vagabond yogi.


So if you get a chance, go to Glover’s Reef in Belize. Visit Southwest Caye and say hi to the the guys for me. And then do yourself a favor, turn off your cell phone and plug in to the energy there. Let the guides show you beauty. Let Philipe and Diana feed your soul, Let Mr. B make you feel at home. I promise you will get much more out of the experience if you practice being present. Let time slow down. Walk around barefoot, get up early for the yoga class and let yourself BE a part of the island.  Namaste Y’all.

Come Play – Utah Style!

I know I’m in Utah but I feel as if I am visiting another planet! Everything is so different here and so RED! Towering cliffs rise thousands of feet above the ground surrounded by skirts of rubble. Gigantic stone spires resemble soldiers frozen in place. Mountains that look like castles for giants. Cavernous valleys that include every color of the rainbow.  And every bit of it is hauntingly beautiful and inviting me to come play!


This is my Christmas Present – this trip through the high desert southwest. I mentioned to my boyfriend that I had never seen the Grand Canyon nor the National Parks such as Arches or Canyonlands in southern Utah so he planned a trip to bring me here! So far, I think it’s the best Christmas present I’ve ever received!

Our first day in Moab, Utah we headed straight to Arches National Park. The sky was brilliant blue and the sun was shining – something we seldom see in Seattle! I enjoy hiking and the 2 miles was an easy trek for me. As we came around the last bend in the trail and I saw Delicate Arch I said, “Well, Hello Gorgeous!” and let out a laugh!

Delicate Arch is a freestanding Arch on the far side of a large rounded bowl that has a huge hole at the center! I knew I was going to make my way over to the arch somehow – but having a fear of heights makes things a little sketchy for me. It took me awhile to accomplish and I was shaking like a leaf the whole time but I will never forget the feeling of standing inside that Arch. I felt light, happy, playful and giddy beyond all belief!


It’s very similar to the feeling I had the first time I did a handstand all by myself! I was at work – in a closed studio room – and when I kicked my feet up and touched the wall I let out a shout so loud that people came running to see what had happeened. I was so happy that it bubbled up out of me!!!! I had done it! I had done a handstand! I had walked over to the arch! Yay!!!!! Woohoo!!!!! Happy Dance!!!!!! Look what I did!!!!!

I love that moment in life. That moment when you feel connected. That moment where heart, mind and body are ONE. That moment when Joy is felt in every pore of your being. No matter where I go, or what yoga studio I visit I know that I will feel that connection. Each teacher does things a little differently but my practice will always give me joy. I will feel peaceful, accomplished, and filled with wonder EVERY time.

Today I practiced at  Moab Yoga.  Our instructor Lily Houghton has been teachging Yoga for about 2 years. She also works for the National Park Service so she’s familiar with the awe and wonder available in the nearby parks! Lily is a great yoga teacher.  Her voice combined with her gentle instructions make for a calm practice which is exactly what I needed after all the recent excitement.

My favorite part of visiting studios is that I get to see and learn new things! What I learned today was Lily’s transition from Pigeon Prep Pose to Cow Faced Pose. After Pigeon Prep – we rolled onto the front outer hip bringing the back leg to the front and crossing it over at the knees. I had never seen it done that way before!


Yoga is my constant in a life full of gypsy travel and change. Whether it is that “Yahoo!” moment of handstand or the serenity of a peaceful practice. Both are important parts of my life. I love my yoga gypsy lifestyle. I hope you love your life too. Namaste y’all!


Wanderlust in Whistler/Gypsy Style


I have just returned from Wanderlust in Whistler, Canada and my head and heart are reeling! I had so many wonderful experiences there that I have not yet been able to absorb them all. I still feel as though I’m floating as I did on the slack line above. Ok….maybe I’m not floating….yet….maybe precariously balanced? Yep, that’s more like it!

There were world-class teachers with whom I would never otherwise have had the chance to practice such as Rod Stryker and Sean Corn. There were concerts every night, great food and since we were in the Olympic Village we could walk to everything we needed!  The place itself was gorgeous! Mountains, lakes, rivers, woods – it was all so serene and welcoming. It truly felt like home. I wonder if Wanderlust feels like home no matter the location? Hmmmm that would be fitting for a yoga gypsy like me huh? A nomadic wandering tribe of yogis, practicing, dancing, learning, creating where ever they go…….What a great life!

I promise to post again in a few days and go into more detail about this weekend. I just need a little time to sleep, dream and make my thoughts make sense.  Namaste Ya’ll